2 czerwca 2016

Dywagacja: The Light of the Moon

The Light of the Moon to powieść, którą warto przeczytać, a o której jeszcze usłyszycie, bo mam zamiar napisać recenzję.
Możecie nie tylko zapoznać się ze świetną ksiażka, ale też poćwiczyć angielski.

Pozwólcie, że dla zainteresowanych przytoczę opis książki z Wattpada:
"When Elizabeth refuses the desires of Aleks, the man who had changed her into a werewolf and dismantled her life to the point of homelessness, existence becomes an exhausting flight from terror. He anticipates all her moves. This is his game. This is his fantasy and her nightmare.

When the shapeshifting dragon Vincent convinces Lizzy to complete the mandatory registration with the supernatural administration she has avoided, he is assigned to protect her as Aleks is investigated. With many decades at the mercy of his guilt, he too is burdened by horror Aleks has wreaked upon his family. His hatred of Aleks is complemented with intense fear, but his growing fondness toward Elizabeth keeps him at her side when the threat of death shadows his future after defining his past.

Their bond grows stronger as evil and fear seek to tear them apart. Aleks' obsession with Elizabeth is unwavering, and she knows the longer she stays with Vincent, the more she puts her new love at risk. Staying will expose him to Aleks' madness, but leaving will crush the heart just learning to love again."

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